Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back to Term 3, it has been great to see students settling back in and engaging with the learning program so well.
New Staff Welcome
I would like to welcome 4 new members of staff to our school community:
Miss Elizabeth Wong – Health Specialist Monday (Rooms 8, 11 and 12), ECE1 on Tuesday and Kindy 2B Wednesday to Friday
Mrs Melinda Coleman – ECE 3 Pre-Primary Teacher
Miss Layne Davey – Year 1 Room 1, Thursday and Friday (Miss Van Brakel has reduced her work fraction and will be in Room 1 on Monday – Wednesday)
Mrs Marisa Edwards – School Officer – 2 days per week, job sharing with Mrs Seonaid Clough.
We welcome you and wish you all the absolute best and hope that you enjoy your time here at East Victoria Park PS.
The process for selection for the Year 3 – 6 Deputy Principal position is underway. I will inform the school community when an appointment is made. In the meantime, Miss Hannah Cox and Mr Rhys Thurston will be sharing the position.
Parking and Pick Up and Set Down
I’d like to take this opportunity to remind parents and carers for the need to take care on our roads around the school. This week has been particularly busy. Please observe the following:
You will note that the line markings on Beatty Avenue have finally been replaced. The Pickup Set Down area is now clearly marked. Please be reminded that this is Pick Up Set Down only, on the times displayed on the signage.
When using the area, please move forward as far as possible so that we can get the maximum numbers of cars in the bays. Students have been instructed to wait at the front of the area, to facilitate better flow.
When using the area, please move forward as far as possible so that we can get the maximum numbers of cars in the bays. Students have been instructed to wait at the front of the area, to facilitate better flow.
You will have noticed that ‘no stopping’ lines have been applied on the opposite side of the road to our school. There are some parking bays across the road, however, please observe the signage – these areas are strictly no standing or parking during the times designated on the signage. For the safety of all students, pedestrians and traffic, please observe the road rules. We have feedback for Town of Victoria Park rangers that numerous complaints have been received about parking in resident’s driveways. Please do not park in the driveways of our neighbours as it restricts their access to their properties.
We also ask that if you can, please consider alternative modes of transport including walking, cycling and public transport. Even being able to manage an alternative once or twice a week will make an enormous difference to traffic congestion around the school.
Finally, the staff car park is to be used by Education Support Centre families for pick up and drop off only. Primary school families are not to use this area to pick up or set down. The afternoon is particularly problematic as the bus service is constantly being held up because of congestion caused by our families trying to pick up their children in the incorrect place.
Thank you for continuing to work with the school to best manage before school drop and after school pick up, with safety mind for all community members.
Kind regards
Kim Knowles