Positive Behaviour Support

East Victoria Park Primary Schools exciting Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) journey began in 2018 and has continued to evolve each year. The PBS model provides a framework of consistent strategies which are used to promote and maintain positive behaviours in the classroom, around the school and in the community. Students are explicitly taught academic and behavioural expectations which support greater outcomes and management of inappropriate behaviours.

The EVPPS Expected Behaviours Matrix will teach students to reflect upon and take responsibility for their own behaviour. It requires students to make a commitment to appropriate behaviours that demonstrate the CORE values we aspire too (Care, Organise, Respect, Engage). The students engage in weekly whole school PBS Assemblies that encourage a common understanding of our CORE Values. Each term students strive to earn CORE Values points in order to achieve the PBS reward day targets. Commendation letters are also earnt through collection of all four commendation values.

Behaviour Management practises used by staff teach and promote pro-social behaviours using PBS matrix and teaching schedule, Protective Behaviours Program and Department Health Curriculum resources. A list of what these expected behaviours look like in a classroom are generated by the students and teachers at the start of the year and are displayed in their rooms. The whole school behaviour chart is used to help students identify and regulate their own behaviour through the visual traffic light system.