The school continues to remain open

Before and after school procedures

Parents and Carer’s must say goodbye at the front of the school each morning.

Please say goodbye to your children at the footpath at the front of the school near the Admin building at 8.30 am and watch your child walk towards their classroom.

Kindy and Pre Primary students will meet their teacher near the footpath that leads to the gate next to the Kindergarten room.

If you need to speak with your child’s teacher then please send them an email or phone the school.

Do not go to the classroom.

DO NOT bring your child to school before 8.30 am.

Children who go to OSH will be escorted by their parents or carer because this a requirement of the organisation.

Likewise, their Parents or Carer will come onto the site after hours to collect their child.

Afternoon School Pick Up

Children in Kindy, Pre Primary, Year One, Year Two, Year Three and Room 12 (Mr Thurston’s room) will finish at 2.30 pm.

Please meet your child at the designated sign at the front of the school on the grassed area near the Admin block.


Your child will be brought to you by their classroom teacher. Students in rooms 7 to 10 will be released at the normal time of 3.00 pm.

Students with a sibling in a younger grade will go at 2.30 pm with the younger sibling.

Students who go to OSH after school will remain with their classroom teacher until an OSH representative collects them.

Accessing the Administration office

To assist in the social distancing requirement we ask that you talk to the ladies at the front counter from OUTSIDE the office through the open window screen.

If you are bringing anything to the school for your child then you MUST go to the office and YOU ARE NOT TO ACCESS YOUR CHILD’S CLASSROOM. Your items can be left at the front door to the Admin building for an Admin staff member to pass to your child.

Cancelled events

  • We have had to postpone the intended Separation Anxiety workshop for Kindy parents this Wednesday 25th March.
  • We have had to postpone the Gardening Busy Bee for Saturday 28th March.
  • There will be no assemblies or Anzac Service this term.
  • Playgroup is postponed until further notice. There will be no playgroup tomorrow, Tuesday 24th March.

Please be patient

Now, more than ever, we all must stay calm, be kind and look out for each other. Please be patient as you wait for your child, as you look for parking, as you wait for a member of staff to look after your needs.  So, as this period of uncertainty continues, we thank you for your ongoing support. Our focus remains on maintaining as much of a normal routine as possible for our young people, as well as following Government advice.