Uniform Shop
At last the uniform shop is open again!!
We are open Wednesday mornings from 8.30am – 9.15am. We are practising social distancing & have hand sanitiser available. We are serving 1 family at a time so please be patient. Our first week of being open went really well. This week unfortunately we had technology issues with our EFTPOS machine not working. Thank you to all the families for their understanding and patience.
Faction Shirts are in stock ready for the Faction Carnival.Sale Items: Long Cargo Pants (Royal Blue) size 10, 12 & 14. ALL $10.00
Sausage Sizzles
The P&C’s Sausage Sizzles are back. We have the Faction & Interschool Athletics Carnivals coming up this term & we are looking for parents & carers help for this fun day.
The Faction Carnival is on Friday 4 September & the Interschool Carnival is on Thursday 17 September.
The types of jobs we need help with are: setting up – moving tables, cutting buns, cooking sausages, wrapping the sausages ready for the kids, selling cakes & sausages and clean up. If you are able to assist with any of these we would really appreciate your help. We are also having a cake stall if our wonderful bakers would like to contribute.
Come along watch your children & help to make a fun day. Please email presidentevppspandc@gmail.com if you would like to assist on either or both of these days. We will be doing up a roster of jobs & times.

Tea Towel Fundraiser – COMING SOON !!
The opportunity to wrap up some Christmas shopping early or maybe just a keepsake of cuteness. This term the students, teachers, staff and P&C will be creating and co-ordinating a fundraising tea towel. Keep an eye out for order forms coming soon.
Next P&C Meeting – Monday 7 September at 7pm in the staff room