Good afternoon families
What an awesome assembly we had this morning to celebrate the end of Harmony Week. Miss Moody and her Year3s taught us so much about what it means to live in Australia and the unique backgrounds of our school community that makes us such a multicultural and diverse group of people. I share with you some of the messages from assembly this morning:
Chloe: Australia is a vibrant and multicultural country. From the oldest continuous culture of our first Aboriginal Australians to the cultures of our newest arrivals from around the world, our cultural diversity is one of our greatest strengths and is at the heart of who we are.
Harley: It makes Australia a great place to live. All people who migrate to Australia bring with them some of their own cultural and religious traditions as well as take on many new traditions. Collectively these traditions have enriched our nation.
Yaqub: The ongoing message of Harmony Day is Everyone Belongs, and the day aims to engage. People to participate in their community, respect cultural and religious diversity and foster a sense of belonging for everyone.
Bilal: Eating food is healthy for us. It helps us to grow and develop to stay physically healthy and to be able to learn and think clearly. In a similar way, loving and accepting others is healthy for us, it helps us to work towards being a community that is welcoming of all.
Everett: Did you know that about half of Australians were born in another country nor have a parent that was? That’s a pretty amazing stat, don’t you think? So, of the 25 million people that live here in Australia, over 12 million of them have close connections to another country.
Thank you very much Room 5.
Congratulations to our assembly award winners:
ECE1 | Kane |
ECE3 | Emma |
RM 1 | Khaleesi |
RM 2 | Sarah |
RM 3 | Declan |
RM 4 | Daniel |
RM 5 | Rex |
RM 6 | Betty |
RM 7 | Charlotte |
RM 8 | Keano |
RM 9 | Allira |
RM 10 | Maggie |
RM 11 | Winona |
RM 12 | Sloan |
PE Award | Alex P |
PBS Medallion | Justin E |
Here are some photos of the Lion Dance from yesterday. We would like to thank Lizzie and Dean Draper and their children Kaelyn, Jos and Dillon and Simon Cheung and his son Cooper for performing for us. You were amazing and we are very grateful to you. Thank you to Grandad Martin Loh for creating a video and taking photos.
Morning Drop Off
We are getting a lot of children at school before 8.30am. I would like to remind you that classrooms open at 8.30am and lessons commence at 8.50am. The time prior to 8.30am is a very important time where teachers are preparing lessons or having meetings.
We understand that from time to time that you may need to drop your children off prior to 8.30am and for that reason we provide supervision from 8.15am. If you are needing before school care please enquire at our onsite provider, OSH Club.
Kind regards
Kim Knowles
Running Club
Running Club began in Week 3 this Term for our Year 3 – 6 students and what a success it has been so far. The theme is ‘Run around Australia’ and we are continuing our progress started last year. Each week we run laps and record our results. We then add everyone’s laps together to work out how many km’s we have managed to travel as a group and plot our progress on an Australian map. Look how far we have travelled……
Here are the facts……
*We have 94 students that attend
*13 amazing parents that either run with us or support us during the session
*We have collectively run 639, 600 kilometres in just 5 sessions!!!!!!!
*We have so many places we want to run to – Broome because a student’s dad works there, Cairns for a tropical holiday, Tasmania because a student has family there – the list is endless!
If you want to track our progress, then keep an eye on our World map displayed in the school Library! If you want to get involved, then just see Mrs Walker for a permission slip.
Mrs Kelly Walker
Physical Education Specialist Teacher
STEAM Report
We are thrilled to announce that the STEAM Room recently received a grant from the Education Department to upgrade our facilities. The team decided to put a patio style roof over the courtyard creating a wonderful outdoor learning zone. We are excited to embark upon a new project brining the space alive. Watch this space for updates!
On the 3rd of March our whole school participated in a Clean Up Australia Day event. Wow, what a success! We collected several bags of rubbish from across our school grounds. A timely reminder for our school community to aim for waste free lunchboxes. A huge thank you to our sustainability captains: Georgia Hall and Ruby Trainer and our fabulous Clean Up Committee.
Parents – We need you!!
Our fabulous student Sustainability Leaders and staff would like to invite interested parents and community members to join our Sustainability team. Our vision is to reinstate the recycle station and reboot the school’s sustainability practices. If you are interested in joining our team, our first meeting will be held in the Science/STEAM room at 8am on Tuesday the 4 April. We look to making a greener future for our school.
With thanks
Mrs Martha Walters and Mrs Kate Kay Science Specialist Teachers