Dear Parents and Carers
What a wonderful week of activity. We started on Monday with teachers turning up in their pyjamas, dreaming with our eyes open, kicking off Book Week in style. On Tuesday evening our P&C hosted a parent information session with ySafe, staff attended ySafe Professional Learning on Wednesday in their staff meeting and students attended a ySafe incursion on Thursday. We finished off today with a wonderful assembly from Room 5 followed by the annual Book Week parade. The Year 3 assembly class today delivered a well written and acted out play that delivered an important message around ‘positivity’. A huge thank you to all families and staff for supporting today’s dress up. It was also wonderful to catch up with some of our Kindy and Pre-Primary parents who were able to join their children and their children’s teachers for morning tea after the parade. It has been so wonderful to welcome parents back into our school and have you celebrate these events with us. There is certainly a growing sense that things are finally coming back to normal, post COVID-19.
Assembly Awards
Congratulations to the following students:
ECE1 | Sharwin |
ECE3 | Abdullah |
Rm 1 | Elias |
Rm 2 | Joh-anne |
Rm 3 | Tyler |
Rm 4 | Tyler |
Rm 5 | Charlotte |
Rm 6 | Ruby |
Rm 7 | Violet |
Rm 8 | Pema |
Rm 9 | Gareth |
Rm 10 | Sulaiman |
Rm 11 | Nabeel |
Rm 12 | Eryn |
PE | Pedro |
PBS Medallion | Zane |
PBS Medallion | Sara |
ySafe’s award-winning team of cyber safety experts have provided online safety education to over half a million students across Australia. Since its inception in 2013, ySafe has become Australia’s leading provider of cyber safety education.
ySafe was founded in response to growing concerns amongst parents and school communities regarding children’s online activities, and the increasing prominence of technology-related developmental and behavioural issues.
Included here is a link to the recording of the session that was delivered to parents on Tuesday evening. This link is available until 07 September 2022:
There is also a parent information portal on their website that can be accessed here:
Save the date
The P&C is planning to run a School Disco on Friday, 28 October so please save this date in your calendar.
Open Board Meeting
Each year the School Board conducts an open Board Meeting to which all members of the school community are invited. I am pleased to advise that our Open Board Meeting is on Monday, 12 September, at 5.30pm in the School Library. Being a member of a council or board is an important and rewarding role that contributes greatly to the success of a school. Members include the principal, parents, staff, and others from the wider community who can lend their skills and expertise to the school. We would love to see you there. Our meeting will be finished by 7.30pm, at latest.
VacSwim Swimming Lessons
Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the summer school holidays.
VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations during the long break. It’s a great school holiday activity that teaches valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.
Your children can start as young as five years old.
Places are limited, so get in early. Enrol your children in VacSwim now at
If you haven’t picked up your new allocation of Rapid Antigen Tests, please call in as soon as possible and see Ally or Seonaid in the office to arrange collection.
Have an awesome weekend
Kind regards
Kim Knowles
Flourish: A Whole School Approach to Ensure Every Child Meets Their Educational Potential
East Victoria Park Primary School is committed to ensuring every child achieves their educational potential. This commitment includes students who display knowledge, understandings, and abilities above developmental expectation in one or more areas of study including both academic and non-academic domains.
In 2021, a steering committee consisting of teachers and administrators was established to implement policy, professional learning, and a whole school approach. To ensure the successful implementation and continuance of this approach, the school has engaged the support of Professor Christopher Brook to lead improvement in professional knowledge and practice.
Earlier this term we held our second Parent Workshop and shared our progress and vision. In the final week of this term we will begin the identification process with our pilot cohort of students. This process involves consultation with parents of students who have demonstrated above grade level aptitude and teacher surveys that support the assessment process. The Raven’s Progressive Matrix will be used as an objective measure of aptitude. The test is one of many indicators that will be used and is not considered the definitive indicator nor is it an in-depth psychological assessment.
In Term 4, we will focus on building the capacity and resources for our teaching staff. We will support teachers in their planning to ensure our “Flourish” students are engaged in learning opportunities where they can demonstrate their critical thinking and reasoning skills against the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment.
At the heart of Flourish is an expectation that all teachers will provide appropriate accommodations for students. Watch this space as we begin to share work samples and ideas from the classrooms as we bring you regular updates.
Julie Brewer
Deputy Principal
Classroom Parent Representatives are back for 2023
We are excited to be re-introducing Classroom Parent Representatives at East Victoria Park Primary School in 2023. This program was very successful in previous years.
The Classroom Parent Representative helps foster positive communication between teachers, parents and children and can be a means to uniting the school community and creating an inclusive connection between all parties.
A Classroom Parent Representative role includes:
- Being a point of contact for new families and welcoming new families to the class/school
- Enlisting the help of parents at school events by sharing their own experiences and encouraging even a small amount of support.
- Organising social events for families of the class, such as play dates, coffee catch ups and dinners.
- A liaison between classroom teacher and parents.
This role is a wonderful opportunity to be part of your child’s schooling. It allows you to get to know and support their teacher, help your child build friendships and allows you to get to know other families in your child’s class.
Please stay tuned for further information in the coming months.
Mrs Deb Gerstorfer
Year 1/2 Teacher