Newsletter 22 September 2023

Dear Parents and Carers

As Student Councilors our jobs include writing speeches for assemblies, being helpful towards our teachers and other important staff in the school, and overall being helpful towards the school for example writing this newsletter.

As you know Mrs Knowles has been on two weeks Long Service Leave, and before she left she gave  so the task of producing the last newsletter for the term.  Mr Guelfi, our relieving Principal, spoke with us last week and explained what he wanted us to do in preparing articles for this newsletter.

It has been a fantastic experience and we hope you enjoying reading our research and efforts to explain and show you what’s been happening here at East Victoria Park Primary School during the last two weeks.

2023 Student Councillors Nate, Leilah, Sandalu & Violet working together on producing the newsletter

Merit Certificates

Congratulations to the following students who won awards at today’s assembly:

ECE1     Sandro
ECE3     Violet
RM2Bobbi & Alexandria
RM6      Molly    
RM8      Jessica
RM11   Emily
RM12   Lance
PE Award            Fraser
Multi LitJannice
PBS Medallion Award    Abdulaziz
PBS Medallion AwardDillion

Music Assembly

Dear Music Families, thank you for coming and watching your musically talented children’s amazing performance, at our annual music assembly. They have been working nonstop to perform their music pieces, we hope you all enjoyed their performance.

Mass Choir Festival

Last night was the Massed Choir Festival! The students were superstars on stage at the Perth Concert Hall. Thank you to the choir and Mrs Motherwell for all their hard work in preparing for this magnificent event!

The Faction Carnival

This term, we had the biggest sports day of the year, and the results were that Forest came fourth, Swan came third, Stirling, who won last year came second, and Curtin came first! Great job to everyone who participated.

Interschool Athletics Carnival

Amazing job to all the students who participated in the Athletics Inter-school Carnival last week. For those who do not know Kensington Primary School came first, Lathlain Primary School came second, Millen Primary School came third, Vic Park came fourth, East Victoria Park came fifth, and Bentley came sixth. The runner-up boy from Year 3 was Pedro in Room 4, and the runner-up girl for Year 4 was Elsie in Room 12.

Scribblers festival Excursion

Years 1-6 will again attend the Scribblers Festival organised by FORM WA. Excursion notes have been sent home this week. Permission and payment need to be returned to the school by the end of Week 2 next term.
 Scribblers Festival is an annual festival of literature and arts for young people. As writing is a focus for our school this year, this will allow students to listen to local and national authors and find out their inspirations, writing techniques and dive into a world of imagination. Below is the timetable for all the classes.

For more information, please go to

11, 3 and 4Wednesday 25 October
at 9:50am-12:35pm Perth Library Auditorium
Isobel Bevis Renae Hayward
1 and 2Friday 27 October
at 9:50am – 12:35pm Perth Library Auditorium
Kelly Canby Jeanette Stampone
12, 7, 8, 9, and 10Friday 27 October
at 9:50am – 12:35pm Perth Town Hall
Brenton McKenna Sean E Avery
5 and 6Friday 27 October
at 10:45am – 1:20pm Perth Town Hall  
Sean E Avery Brenton McKenna


In this past term, our Year 4-6 classes have been studying the Japanese Hiragana alphabet. This week, these year levels have taken the final test and this counts for almost half of their grades for Semester 2. Well done!


It has been a delight to see our East Victoria Park Primary school students, staff and community beginning to return to our wonderful Sustainable practises this year. In term 3 we kicked off our term with forming our fabulous Green Team. To begin, the Green Team participated in a waste audit, reviewing our school’s waste created daily. The students then worked to analyse this data to plan for future projects within our school. This student body have also been instrumental in organising and collecting data for Waste Wise Wednesdays and sharing their expertise with the school. 

Our Waste Wise Wednesdays was a huge success, and we thank our fabulous parents and community for making this possible. We congratulate ECE3 for winning our Bunnings Incursion. ECE3 has continually demonstrated little to no waste on Wednesdays with a close second ECE1. It is a delight to see students understanding the importance of reducing the waste we contribute to landfill.

Next term we look forward to celebrating World Sustainability Day on Wednesday the 25th of October. Waste Wise lunches will continue however due to student and staff recommendations this will move to Fridays. Further information will be shared early next term, along with our new prize for the best class.

We look forward to continuing to work together with the whole school community to improve our sustainable footprint.

Sustainability Team

ECE 3 won Waste Wise Warriors this term and as a reward participated in an incursion with Bunnings.  A member of their staff came to our school to assist the students  to plant native plants in early childhood playground.

PBS Reward  Activity

This term, the whole school has been working towards 20,000 dojos with the school’s CORE focus of “Respect”. We achieved our goal, and the reward was a movie and ice-creams for every student in the school. Thank you to Miss Moody for organising our reward.

Next Term

Please don’t forget term four starts on Monday 9 October.  Please be aware this IS NOT a Pupil Free day.  All students must attend school on this day.