Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you to Room 9 and Miss Allan who performed a moving and educative service for Remembrance Day today. The whole school sang the National Anthem A capella, led by Mrs Motherwell. It was beautifully done, and we feel very proud of our students.
Carlisle Station car park
Our school is signed up to the Your Move program through the Armadale Line Active Travel Project to help our students get active by increasing walking, scooting and riding to school. There is a free event on this Sunday 12 November from 10am to 2pm at the Carlisle Station car park that will have free showbags, sausage sizzle, face painting and fairy floss.
Composite Classes
At East Victoria Park Primary School, we structure our classes in such a way that there is a range of abilities in all classes. There is no benefit, or disadvantage, to students in a straight year level class as opposed to a composite class. We are funded on a per student basis, not per year level, therefore our decision to have composite classes for some year levels is based on the numbers in the year levels. In 2024 we have an increase in numbers and will be having an additional class, taking us to 17 classes. We will be having a high number of composite classes in 2024. As a rule, we try not to put students in a composite class for two years in a row, but this may not be possible next year.
Year 6 Graduation Reminder
This important event on the school calendar is coming up on Tuesday 5 December at 9am in the Undercover Area. Year 6 parents, if you have not already done so, please get your RSVP in as soon as possible. Year 6 students need to be dressed in their leaver’s shirts and royal blue (plain) school shorts or skort. Please be advised that younger siblings are invited to accompany their parents to the graduation, they are not included in the 4 tickets you can request. Please drop them back to their classes after the completion of the graduation ceremony. Parking continues to be a problem for us, and we make the following suggestions:
- If at all possible, walk to school
- Park on the basketball court – accessed via Mint Street Car Park
- Park on a surrounding street and walk over.
Not Returning to EVPPS Next Year
Thank you to those families that have advised us that they are not returning in 2024. If you are leaving the school and haven’t let us know, could you please advise by following the link below:
Drop Off and Pick Up for Students
Just a reminder that students should not be arriving at school before 8.30am.
Students can then go straight to classes ready for our school day to commence at
8.50am. On the odd occasion when an earlier arrival is necessary, students are to
wait at the library.
In the afternoon we ask that students are picked up as close to 3.00pm as possible. We completely understand that from time to time you may be running late. However, we are having an increasing number of students being picked up after 3.10pm. Students still at school after 3.10pm will be directed to wait in the office to be collected by their parent or carer.
Semester Two Reports
At this end of this semester, all reports will be sent via email. It is important that we have your current email address on file so that you receive your child’s report. Please advise staff in the office if you have a change in email address at:
Community Concert
When: 5.30—7pm, Thursday 7 December 2023
Where: School Oval
What to bring: A picnic and low chairs or a blanket to sit on
What to wear: Christmas colours of red, white and green
Students will sit with their parents unless performing.
Please be reminded that this coming Monday, 13 November is a School Development Day for staff. There is no school for students on this day. Have a great weekend.
Kind regards
Kim Knowles