Dear Parents and Carers
We are already at the end of Week 7 with only 3 weeks until the end of the term. As you are well aware out term has had its fair share of interruptions with all things COVID-19. I’d like to thank the entire school community for your support in dealing with what have been some very challenging times. I am so very proud of our students and the way they have been able to adapt to the change that has been constant all term. Our Year 3 to 6 students have been outstanding in their attitude to wearing their masks while at school. Their ability to consider the needs of others in ensuring their masks are worn properly and at the right times is a great illustration of the ‘care’ that forms part of our CORE (Care, Organised, Respect, Engaged) values.
Assembly Award Winners for this week….
Room | Recipient |
ECE 1 | Elijah Estella |
ECE3 | Abdullah |
Room 11 | Levi |
Room 1 | Nichika |
Room 2 | Indie |
Room 3 | Phoebe |
Room 4 | Towa |
Room 5 | Sloane |
Room 6 | Ivy |
Room 12 | Kynan |
Room 7 | Jessica |
Room 8 | Abby |
Room 9 | Tyson |
Room 10 | Alcie |
Thank you to the amazing Year 1 and 2 students in Room 2 who hosted an assembly with a difference today. They produced a PowerPoint that was shared with all classes this morning. They shared their learning from the classroom and taught the rest of us about the six Noongar seasons.
School Board Parent Nominations
The board of a public school works with the school community to achieve the best outcomes for students. It plays an important role in contributing to good school governance so that school resources are used efficiently, and community expectations and the school’s priorities reflect the needs of students.
Being a member of board is an important and rewarding role that contributes greatly to the success of a school. Members include the principal, parents, staff, and others from the wider community who can lend their skills and expertise to the school. Parents and community members must form the majority. All board members are obliged to act in the best interests of the school and its students.
A parent vacancy has occurred on our school board and I would like to seek nominations to fill this position. If we have more than one nomination you will be asked to write a paragraph or two describing yourself and what you have to offer as a board member. We will then conduct an online election. If you would like to discuss this further please either contact Lauren Garvey, Board Chair at or Kim Knowles.
Please send your nomination to Nominations close at 3pm on Friday 25 March 2022.
EVPPS Student Leadership Team 2022
Earlier in the term we held elections for our 2022 Student leadership positions. I happy to share the following results with you:

William Laura Sophie Lucca

When we resume assemblies we will make a presentation to the students in front of the school and parents. Miss Cox is our Year 6 Coordinator for 2022 and I would like to thank her for leading our Student Leadership Program for 2022. Our leaders are in good hands!!
Flourish – A Whole School Approach
East Victoria Park Primary School is committed to ensuring every child achieves their educational potential. This commitment includes students who display knowledge, understandings, and abilities above developmental expectation in one or more areas of study including both academic and non-academic domains. The flourish approach includes teacher professional learning, instructional strategies, student identification measures and providing opportunities for students to engage in ‘flourish’ learning activities. In 2022 we will be offering a number of flourish opportunities for students across a range of academic and non-academic areas. The first such opportunity is outlined below.
Have a great weekend
Kim Knowles
And in other news……
Teaching and Learning and Community Relationships
EVPPS Flourish Program
Thanks to the P&C securing an Arts Grant, 30 Year 5 and 6 students will have the opportunity of being involved in an EVPPS Flourish event. This will involve a 2-hour workshop on Friday 25 March with artist Renee Parnell and then painting a mural early in Term Two.
The mural will be painted onto the Kindy wall facing Beatty Avenue. The style of painting for the mural will be cyanotype that Renee will teach in the workshop. We are seeking 30 eager student artists to show their expression of interest.
Year 5 and 6 students, you will need to write a letter explaining why you should be selected to be a part of this EVVPS Flourish event. Letters of expression of interest need to be handed to Miss Cox by Tuesday 22 March (Week 8).
Your letter should address:
- Why you love art?
- How may this help you develop your art skills?
- How you follow the school’s CORE values?
- Your ability to work as a collaborative team member
The two Kindy classes will do a whole class workshop and make an air-dried pinch pot. This will happen on Wednesday 30 March and Wednesday 6 April, from 9am.
Miss Hannah Cox
Year 6 Teacher
Physical Education Update
Term 1 has been packed full of fun games, team building activities and class challenges.
Classes have learned many new games (Hula-Hut Throwdown, Monster Ball, Switch, Cone Flip Challenge, Boom City) to name a few. These new games have supported students in developing their social skills, sportsmanship, confidence, team work qualities and most importantly their enjoyment for being physically active.
The younger classes have loved completing ‘Superhero Warm Ups’ at the start of lessons. Can you spot the Spiderman Jump? ………

The older classes have been perfecting their T-Ball and Cricket skills in preparation for Carnivals ……

Unfortunately, our Swimming Carnival and Summer Sports Carnival were cancelled for this term but let’s keep everything crossed that Term 2 will allow us to participate in our much loved Interschool events again.
Mrs Kelly Walker
Physical Education Teacher