Dear parents and carers
Despite the ongoing restrictions, I have been impressed with how resilient and calm students, staff and parents have been this week, adjusting to the changes with relative ease. It’s important to stay vigilant about the risk of COVID-19 in the community and school environment and maintain physical distancing, good hygiene, staying home when unwell and mask wearing to keep everyone safe and healthy.
I would like to thank those families that have paid their $50 Voluntary Contribution. Our collection rate is currently at 62%. Whilst payment is optional, I encourage you to pay if you are able. Funds collected go towards providing valuable resources for students including text books and workbooks; photocopy materials; computer/digital items (eg USBs, headphones); materials for art and crafts, design and technology; science activities; and cooking ingredients.
As the weather changes there is in increase in volume of parents dropping off and picking up their child/children. Can you please assist by collecting your child promptly at the end of the day. This allows for greater movement of families as well as assisting with reducing traffic congestion. Please do not use the teacher carpark entry to perform a U-turn. Backing into traffic at that time of the day is dangerous. The staff car park should only be accessed by staff, Ed Support parents with permits and after hours care buses. Please do all that you can to keep our children safe.
I take this opportunity to thank the Town of Vic Park for their donation of $400.00 to support students attending camp this year. We greatly appreciate the support.
Grounds Committee
We have some ambitious planning taking place for a new Year 1 and 2 Nature Playground and I would like to invite two parent representatives to join a newly formed Grounds Committee. The purpose of this group is to recommend and plan upgrades around the school. The proposed membership is:
- Principal EVPPS
- Principal EVPESC
- Manager of Corporate Services
- 2 parent representatives
- School gardener
- Staff member
The committee will meet in the next few weeks to get planning underway. We have a new gardener, Glen De La Mott, who is very keen to work with us to improve the school grounds.
Thank you to Room 1 for a fabulous assembly item this morning. We learnt some fun facts which lots of the audience found very funny. It was so amusing to see children trying to lick their elbows – what a fun fact that was!! We loved every moment of the assembly and a big thank you to Mr Cutler, Mrs Brewer and Mrs Motherwell for getting our students ready for such a heart-warming performance.

ECE1 | Pre Primary | Bryan Z |
ECE3 | Pre Primary | Oliver B |
Room 1 | Year 1 | Molly L |
Room 2 | Year 1 | Oliver H |
Room 3 | Year 1/2 | Taleen B |
Room 4 | Year 2 | Hugo A |
Room 5 | Year 2 | Summer C |
Room 6 | Year 3 | Eliza D |
Room 7 | Year 4 | Evelyn B |
Room 8 | Year 5 | Joslyn D |
Room 9 | Year 5/6 | Kareen B |
Room 10 | Year 5/6 | Alexis S |
Room 11 | Year 3 | Abigail S |
Room 12 | Year 3/4 | Zena A |
ESC | Cameron E | |
Medallions | Laura TGirvaan S |

QUIZ Night – 19 June
Finally, we had a very productive P&C meeting earlier in the week. The fundraising committee is busy organising the Quiz Night, please save the date – Saturday 19 June, and stay tuned for more information.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy going mask – free (where you can)!!
Kind regards
Mrs Kim Knowles
Third Party Services update
Hi Families
A new service has been recently launched by one of our Third Party Services company Best Performance. This service is called EdCompanion. EdCompanion is a fantastic program that allows teachers to personalise learning pathways for the students. This service received a rating of “Notification” which requires the school to notify parents rather than seek consent.
Please see the assessment report below
NameEdCompanion | Category Teaching and Learning | Information provided: Staff/teacher: name, email Student: name, date of birth, gender, medical or health data, grades or performance data. Other data: school How the information is used: Online teaching and learning tool. Where the information is stored: Within Australia | Terms of Use /Privacy Policy |
Thank you to the families who have completed the recent MangaHigh consent form. Once the majority of the forms have been collected the school can begin using the service. Like last year this service will have a cost associated with it, $10 (discounted rate). Details of how to complete the payment will be shared next week.
If you have further questions on Third Party Services please email
The importance of student attendance
At East Victoria Park Primary School, we want your children to do their very best. To get the best education, they need to go to school every day. We know that some children may need extra encouragement to go to school regularly. By working together, our school community can address some of the reasons why your child may not want to go to school.
The importance of attendance habits for students:
- Developing the habit of going to school every day is vitally important so your child does not miss out on important ideas, concepts, knowledge and skills they need to learn.
- At school, many parts of the Curriculum are taught in a sequence. Missing school means missing out on learning – which can often make it difficult to catch up later. This is particularly important in the early years when essential foundation skills are being taught.
- Going to school every day helps children learn the important life skill of ‘showing up’- at school, at work, to sport and other commitments.
You are required to inform the school when your child is absent. Our preferred option is by completing an “Absent Online Form” through school website (Go to the Information tab).
Holidays in school time should be avoided and requires you to notify the principal.
If you would like any more information about school attendance please email
Blair Ranford
Level 3 Teacher