Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome to Week 10. Only one more week after this one until the school holidays. The last day of term is Friday 28 June. Term 3 commences on Monday 15 July. Our School Development Day is later in third term on Monday 19 August – this will be a student free day – please add to your calendar.
ECE1 | Henry |
ECE3 | Sam |
Rm 1 | Matilda |
Rm 2 | Atara |
Rm 3 | Hannah |
Rm 4 | Memphis |
Rm 5 | Yan |
Rm 6 | Declan |
Rm 7 | Zadie |
Rm 8 | Priyanshi |
Rm 9 | Charlie |
Rm 10 | Mae |
Rm 11 | Aya |
Rm 12 | Pedro |
Rm 13 | Charlotte |
PE Award: | |
Rm 4 | Hudson |
MultiLit Award: | |
Rm 12 | Alexis |
PBS Medallion Award: | |
Rm 6 | Sanvika |
Rm 6 | Bryan |
Fear Less
For some students the transition to high school can be a time of increased anxiety and worry about what to expect as they leave the safety and predictability of their primary school years. We are offering a Fear Less Seminar for parents. This is free and will be held in our School Library on Tuesday 6 August, 6.30 – 8.30pm. There are limited places available, and registration is essential. The seminar is presented by our School Psychologist, Serena Whisson.
I have completed this course, as have most of our staff, and I can highly recommend it. This is open to all families not just those families of students transitioning to high school.
Please see the attached flyer for registration details.

Parent Survey – School Culture
I sent this information out via Seesaw last week and so far, we’ve had 47 responses. The survey closes on Friday, so if you would like to give some feedback, please do.
The Department of Education’s Quality Teaching Strategy (QTS) is the central element of our school improvement architecture. It sits at the heart of our commitment to improving outcomes for students.
The QTS brings together programs, services and supports for principals and teachers to build cultures of teaching excellence that develop, implement and sustain effective classroom practice. This includes 3 new supports:
*School Culture Survey
*Teaching for Impact
*Leading Cultures of Teaching Excellence professional learning program.
I applied for a place in the Leading Cultures of Teaching Excellence and was successful, our school will be commencing with Cohort 4 on the 18 July 2024. The initial program starts with the principal and then expands to include deputy principals, middle leaders and teachers.
Can you please complete the attached survey by Friday, 21 June as this is a requirement to participate in the program?
Please use the link below or the attached QR Code
All responses are anonymous and will be used to inform our future school improvement planning. Your views and feedback are very important to us.
If you require further information, please reach out to me.

Kindy and Pre-Primary Enrolment 2025
As the Pre-Primary school year is the first year of compulsory schooling in our school system, you are required to complete an enrolment for Pre-Primary next year, even if you are already enrolled at Kindy this year.
The final date to complete enrolment is 19 July 2024. Please call in to the office or go to the school website to complete the enrolment for your child as soon as possible.
If you know of any families in the area that are attending kindy for the first time next year please remind them that kindy enrolments are also due by 19 July 2024.
Positive Behaviour in Schools (PBS) Program
We are about to commence a review of our current PBS program. In the coming weeks I will be calling for expressions of interest from parents who would like to be involved in the review. The commitment would be to do some pre-reading of Department of Education policies and procedures and the ability to attend several consultation meetings.
Our focus for this term has been on being organised in the playground, in the classroom and in specialist learning areas. Students have been showing their organisation by:
- Being prepared for lessons
- Making sure they are organised and taking a hat, water bottle and lunch box to break times.
- By eating quietly, with mouth closed and putting their rubbish in the right bins.
- By making sure they have a hat for play time or going to shaded area if they forget their hat.
I have been impressed by the number of students showing our expected behaviours. We are planning a PBS Reward Day next Thursday, with children encouraged to wear crazy socks and then they will view a movie in the afternoon.
Voluntary Contributions
Thank you to families that have paid their voluntary fees. Our collection rate is currently sitting at 77%. If you have not paid and have the capacity, we would be very grateful for your contribution. We use the contributions to purchase library books, reading books, maths and science equipment and for items such as replacement music and sport items.
Finally, a reminder that semester one reports will be emailed home on Monday. If you have changed your email address recently and have not advised us, please do so as soon as possible to:
Kind regards
Kim Knowles