Freaky Friday National “Ride2School” Day

Freaky Friday National “Ride2School” Day event next Friday 13 March.

Here is the info and a flyer is attached. Feel free to make this really eye catching and appealing on the website.

To ignite our engagement with the “Your Move” program, we will be participating in Ride2School Day on

Friday the 13th of March. On this day, all students and families are encouraged to give riding, scooting or

skating to school a go. Given this event will be held on Friday the 13th, students are also encouraged to dress

up their bicycle in a spooky way! The spookiest bike will win a prize at assembly.[Please note: Children still wear school uniform on this day]

When: Friday 13 March from 8:15am – 8:45am

Where: EVPPS Oval, near the big tree.

What: ride your bike/scooter/skateboard to school then meet at the big tree for a refreshing, healthy snack.

Equipment: all participating students/families must wear a helmet.

Bikes/scooters/skateboards may be dressed up with spooky decorations in a safe way.

Be part of our big photo opportunity at 8.45 am!!